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Node Schmode: Pythonic Real-Time Web

Using gevent, pyramid and socket-io for a micro framework approach to creating real-time web apps without the braces. Why is gevent so cool and how it can let you write fast scalable apps with asynchronous IO without twisting your mind.

Dylan Jay

Dylan is CTO of PretaWeb, a open source CMS Cloud provider for governments.
PretaWeb has been instrumental in the NSW adoption of Plone for it's all of government shared web platform and specializes in high availability multi-site CMS platforms. Dylan has started several open source projects including hostout and funnelweb. He is the current convener of the sydney python users group SyPy and given talks Plone Conference, Open Publish and CeBit, SyPy among others. Previously Dylan has also spent years in the world of enterprise java development for the likes of UBS, Avaya and Lucent that he tries to forget.