Neatly Twisted
Project: | Twisted |
In many Python circles, Twisted is the recommended framework for all networking and multitasking applications. Twisted provides a powerful, extensible event-driven framework with built-in support for many network protocols. But without due care, Twisted’s event-driven features can result in code that’s a nightmare to read and maintain. In this presentation, I will review the basics of Twisted, and show some of the features which make Twisted such a popular framework. I’ll share my experiences debugging and maintaining mission-critical Twisted applications, discuss some of the pitfalls to avoid when coding with Twisted, and present tips and tricks for debugging Twisted code and writing Twisted code that’s a pleasure to read and maintain.
Josh Bartlett
Ten years ago at a technology camp called Übertweak, Josh was introduced to Python and fell in love with her at first sight. Since then, Josh has worked on many Python projects, including the open source network game Trosnoth ( and his own personal tiling window manager Romulus. Josh is interested in ways of making programming more intuitive, and in languages and parsers. He considers himself to have finally made it in the Python community when earlier this year he identified a bug in the core CPython compiler (#14378). His favourite comment on the issue on was “After this commit the buildbots are dying randomly with segfaults.”
Josh is employed by Netbox Blue as a developer of innovative internet compliance, management and security solutions. In his spare time, Josh enjoys helping people learn to program, telling stories, studying the Bible, swing dancing, and singing.